Je, unafurahia teknolojia? Je, unavutiwa na kile kinachoendelea nyuma ya mtandao? Ikiwa umesema ndiyo, basi kuna teknolojia ambayo inafanya iwezekanavyo na inaitwa Poe Lan. Teknolojia ya Poe Lan: Ni tofauti na zana za kitamaduni za teknolojia zinazosaidia mtandao kuwa wa haraka lakini pia usio na nguvu. Katika chapisho hili tutaangalia poe lan ni nini, jinsi gani Bidhaa kutoka kwa Think Tides inafanya kazi na muhimu zaidi kwa nini miunganisho ya sasa ya mtandao inategemea Poe Lan.
Poe Lan ni ufupisho wa Power over Ethernet (PoE) Local Area Network (LAN). Hii ni kwa sababu hutumia aina fulani ya kebo, yaani nyaya za Ethaneti zinazoruhusu kutuma data na nguvu kwa wakati mmoja kama vile. Umoja wa Mataifa kutoka kwa Think Tides. Ni kwa sababu kawaida kebo ya Ethaneti huja na sehemu mbili: Sehemu inayochaji kompyuta na nyingine, ambayo husaidia kuhamisha data-ina nyaya tofauti za kazi zao maalum. Lakini PoE Lan inaunganisha kazi hizi zote mbili katika haki moja ya maudhui isiyotumia waya badala ya kuwa na udhaifu kati ya waya 2 tofauti. Uoanishaji huu huhifadhi nafasi na kusakinisha kwa urahisi zaidi.
Ubora mmoja mzuri kuhusu Poe Lan ni jinsi inavyoboresha utumaji wa nishati na data kwenye vifaa vyako. Pia huondoa hitaji la vituo tofauti vya umeme kwa kila kifaa na huruhusu maelfu ya vifaa kupata nishati katika sehemu moja. Kuwa na sehemu moja ambayo hutumika kama kitovu cha vifaa vyako vingine, ambapo nyinyi nyote mnaunganisha na kuvitia nguvu ndiko kunakofanya ujumuishaji huu kuwa kama. OLT kutoka kwa Think Tides.
Kwa njia hii, Poe Lan pia huokoa kwa kupunguza gharama ya nyaya za ziada na plugs za nguvu. Huondoa hitaji la nyenzo za ziada ambazo zingelazimika kuwekwa pia na hurahisisha usakinishaji kwa kutumia kebo moja badala ya mbili. Mchanganyiko wa ufanisi huu wote kama ilivyokuwa, huokoa muda na pesa nyingi kwa biashara na mashirika ili kuchagua. Kifaa cha FTTX.
Mwisho na muhimu zaidi, Poe Lan hutoa uwezo kwa vifaa mahiri vinavyokusanya data kutoka kwa IoT (unajua ni nini). Vifaa vya Mtandao wa Mambo au (IoT) vimefungwa kwa utendakazi, vinavyounganisha mawasiliano kati yao na mtandao. Hizi ni baadhi ya mifano ya kawaida ya vifaa vya IoT - kamera ya usalama, balbu mahiri na vidhibiti vya halijoto. Poe Lan ndio kitu kimoja kinachowezesha vifaa hivi vyote na kuviwezesha kufanya mtandao pamoja bila kukoma na vile vile. Badili ya Ethernet.
Our Poe lan established eight years ago has served many clients both upstream as well as downstream in the field of optical communications We are committed to providing extremely customized services based on the various requirements of our clients making sure that each client's individual requirements are addressed Our product consultant team has professional technical background in-depth knowledge of the markets and product attributes of different countries and is able to provide superior local business solutions for your business Choose to cooperate with us for mutual business growth and a win-win scenario
Our main focus is the RD of ONUs and their production. Our most popular products are OLT, ONU, POE as well as various accessories for communication. With high-quality quality control of our products and Poe lan from sources, we provide customers with top-quality, global products at affordable costs. We also adhere to social responsibility and are the leader in the optical communications industry. We are gradually advancing to a higher level of science and technology.
Our customers are anyone who use optical communications equipment or mobile terminals for access to the Poe lan. We export to 60 countries across the globe and to 10,000 ISPs. We have signed an extended strategic alliance with UPS, DHL, and Fedex to build a relationship with technology and let the world utilize it. We enjoy global connectivity.
Shenzhen Think Tides Communication Co., Ltd. is home to its own Poe lan and manufacturing team, which is responsible for the production, manufacturing, sales, after-sales, and technical support for ONU material raw materials used in the production of its products. It is the most renowned ONU source manufacturer. Our principal is "Speed is the most important, and the traveler is without limits." We aim to offer high-speed Internet access to all people across the globe, and to help accelerate the distribution and diffusion of information.